Parth Patel 

What do you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses?”

My strength is persistence: ability to complete a task effectively, under a certain deadline - regardless of how long it will take me to put the work in. No matter how difficult or tedious the task may be, I will swing at it daily, hourly if need be, until it’s completed - or until I know I have reached my maximum effort with the task at that moment

My weakness is overanalyzing. I tend to ruminate over small mistakes, and that distracts me from continuing on a project until it’s resolved. Though this can pull away from my effort, it gives me a chance to recognize what I did wrong, how to avoid or prevent it in the future, and move forward. The more mistakes I have made, the better I have become inside and out of the workplace.

What motivates you?”

I’m motivated by pushing my own limits, and pushing myself out of the comfort zone. I constantly come up with new ideas, whether it’s in my full time role or as part of my part-time careers - I am always looking to improve myself and those around me. I am motivated by the need to move upwards, improve life, and make the world a better place than it was a minute ago.

You graduated in physics, why are you working in marketing?” -

I’ve been asked this question nearly every moment since I’ve applied to my first role in marketing after graduation. Whether it was by confused family members or confused interviewers, this question has not evaded me

Here’s where I began: in my second year of college, I applied to an open role at the honor society I was a part of “Director of Marketing & Technology”. I had no prior marketing experience, neither in the classroom nor in the “real world”. Yet I applied anyways, seeking to get more involved in the organization.

For my interview, I came up with 10 bulletproof ideas on how to expand our organization's visibility on campus - ranging from small-scale merchandise ideas to an "open organization" night where students could come in and learn more. This role, which I held for 1 academic year, helped spark my interest in marketing and put that idea of a marketing career in the back of my mind. Once I graduated 2 years later, that spark never fizzled. By the time I graduated, I didn't see myself working in physics - the career options simply didn't interest me. So I started applying into roles that simply interested me - first business roles, applying to sales jobs (I had 1 year of retail sales experience as a cashier), then naturally marketing. And here we are.

What are your hobbies and interests?”

My hobbies include volunteering at my local food bank, working on my art & art business, going on walks, riding my electric bike, and gaming. My interests vary regularly, I am always looking to try new things, including web design, cooking, new art mediums, digital art, and more.

What are your long term goals?”

My long term goal is to make my impact into this world. That includes volunteering more frequently, building my business in an effort to share my art with the world, giving back to the world more - my mantra is making the world better than it was a minute ago.

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